Tuesday 21 April 2015


Have you got the skills to design using Corel Draw, Photoshop or Xara?

If yes, then you have the opportunity to participate in the on going EMPIRE CITY GRAPHIX COMPETITION.

All you have to do is Send your designs to empireglobalgroups@gmail.com or post on Instagram with the #empirecitygraphix and get your friends to like them..

Offer valid from 15th April to 29th May

Participation is absolutely free

Sunday 2 November 2014


    Fashion is meant to be fun,but sometimes the best way to put your seasoned style skills to use is by creating looks that feels both smart and sophisticated.  Whether you are assembling the perfect interview outfit or simply want to try a more grown-up approach to dressing, these tips are sure to help you step it up!

  • TUCK IN YOUR SHIRT - we all know the half tuck is a go-to for cool girls everywhere, but when push comes to shove, a tucked-in shirt is more sophisticated. 

  • GO BEYOND YOUR DENIM BASICS - Instead of wearing a jean jacket, upgrade your look with a minimal denim top.

  • EXPERIMENT WITH THE RIGHT PIECES - No need to suppress your inner adventurist, just be sure you're not going overboard (translation ; no sheer tops at the office). I suggest a printed jumpsuit worn with a structured coat.

  • PICK STRUCTURED DRESS - Nothing feels more grown-up than a beautiful a-line dress!

  • KNOW HOW TO STYLE YOUR STAPLES - If you're opting for staples like a button-down shirt and pencil skirt, for ego rule #1 and play around with shirt tuck. 

  • BUTTON IT UP - Sometimes, a fully buttoned shirt is all it takes to elevate your look.

  • WEAR MATURE COLOURS - If you love bright colours you can skip to the next tip, but there's something about subdued colours that make us feel less wise and confident.

  • MATCH YOUR ACCESORIES - Evenly distributing one colour throughout your look reeds polished.

  • HAVE A UNIFORM - Three words "less is more".

  • PLAY WITH PROPORTIONS - If you prefer less form-fitted clothing, pick one piece to scale back on, like a cropped turtle neck worn with a slouchy blazer and wide-leg trousers. 

  • OWN THE MENSWEAR INSPIRED LOOK - Though a killer pencil skirt is instrumental to the grown-up, menswear-inspired pieces are equally as empowering.

  • MASTER THE ART OF LAYERING - A style savvy woman knows how to mix and match her favourite pieces. 

  • ACCESORIZE SMARTLY - Swap out a busy necklace for a classic piece, like a printed silk scarf.

  • DON'T BE AFRAID OF FLATS - Try paring long skirt with loafers. 

  • WHEN IN  DOUBT,  GO FOR ALL BLACK - Yes! Its a little somber, but its chic and its works.

  • DON'T BARE YOUR MIDRIFF - Wear a crop top like a grown-up and pair it with high waisted trousers that only reveal a tiny silver of skin.

Friday 31 October 2014


I read on IG about how turmeric can be used as a facial mask and I decided to make a research of my own. And yes! Its better than "abracadabra".

Tumeric has been long known in the west as a spice that adds flavor and colour to dishes. The popularity is now spreading as a good way to improve skin health and other health problems. When applied to the skin as a paste or a face mask, it can help in treating "acne, eczema, rosacea & aids in skin rejuvenation".
In acne, using facial mask can soothe skin blemishes and heal acne scars. For patients with eczema, applying a facial mask can reduce inflammation and redness. When rosacea patients use turmeric mask, it can reduce the tiny pimples and redness that this skin conditions causes. Regular use of turmeric with various combination of ingredients can soften the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Turmeric has amazing anti-inflammatory properties and therefore works well in case of skin inflammation.

  • Turmeric + sesame oil - mix and apply on affected areas. Keep for sometime (10mins) and wash with water. Sesame oil is a great antioxidant like turmeric and is easily absorbed by skin. Another great thing about this oil is that, it treats dry skin conditions such as chronic dry skin.
  • Turmeric + pure honey
  • Turmeric + almond oil - almond oil is great for skin health and along with anti-inflammatory turmeric will help tackle skin infections and also make skin look young and fresh.

  • Turmeric + groud flour + natural yogurt. Yogurt alone brightens the face but by using this 3 will WOW you.
Turmeric is well known to stain clothes. So I suggest  wearing an old t-shirt. And for the face, there may be slight yellowishness for sometime but goes after multiple washing. Low quality turmeric has synthetic colours and can harm your skin so go for a high quality, pls!

The advantage of home facial masks is that you can try various combinations of ingredient before settling on one that suits your skin the best. Before applying a facial mask, your skin must be clean and free of all cosmetics, lotion etc. Use mild shower gel or non-medicated & non-abrasive soap. This will open up pores nicely and make the mask more effective.

Now, go try this tip and THANK ME LATER ;)


 If you've ever hobbled home after a long day or night in heels, this tip is for you.
Tape your 3rd and 4th toes counting from the big toe together -try nude medical tape for a low-profile look. Sounds dumb? Here's why. There's a nerve that splits between those two toes, which causes pain when pressure is put upon it. The tape removes strain on the nerves, allowing you to dance the night away.

Thursday 30 October 2014


Wearing a belt well is one of those litmus test of fashion : the simple task, done Right, confirms you as a man who knows his clothes. A mismatch or other errors shows that you still need to learn about dressing well. Fortunately, the basic of good belts aren't hard to learn, and most are common sense - the rest is personal taste  -and belts allow plenty of room to express it.

Dress belts should have a few inches of leather to the left of the buckle once it's fastened. Casual belts have a little more room for flexibility but an overly long tail and is always an awkward look. Store-bought dress belts are usually measured with a range of pant sizes. Pick your belts 2-3 sizes larger than your pants to get a good fit. If you wear a 34" trouser waist, a belt labelled 36"-38" will prollie be in the right neighbourhood.

The bigger your belt buckle the less formal it is. Dress belts have very small flat belt buckles. Larger buckles with rounded shapes are common on more casual styles. Almost all dress belts will have either a gold-coloured or silver-coloured finish. If you wear a male jewelry of any kind-cufflinks, tie tacs...the belt should be in the same colour family.  Only a wedding ring is always an exception. Silver accent with silver buckle and gold with gold.

"Leather should always match leather". That rule stays with you in dress and casual wear; brown leathershoes with brown belts. Glossy belts should be paired with highly-polished shoes; matte shoes go with matte belts. If you wearing casual shoes that aren't made of leather, you have freedom to work with cloth belts of a different colour.
Rare animal patterns can be very expensive, but should still be considered casual wear. A very high-quality ostrich -ski  belt is too ostentatious for a business setting. Just keep in mind how much attention you want being drawn to your midsection.

The quality of the leather is one common factor ; CALFSKIN is the most common material used for belts, and a good belt will have a soft, supple leather.  Flex the belt to make sure it has turned brittle or started to crack. Another good test of leather is to score the back very lightly with your fingernail -if a faint line appears, the leather is still soft and fresh. Old hard leather will resist your nail. Brand name also play a factor, but means quite a bit less than other factors. Your belt is too small for most people to be able to tell at a glance whether it's designer or not. Spend money on quality instead.

Speaking of designer goods, some high-end jeans have a famous label right between two of the belt loops. You may be temptedto have the belt off so that the label can be displayed more prominently.
Its not a great idea in general. Unbelted jeans, even expensive ones make you look like a "slob". Choose a slim belt that let's part of the label show and leave it to other people to notice your fantastic style or not.
You weren't going to impress them anyway, right?


 On the list of dreaded household chores, ironing clothes falls somewhere in between.  Here are clever methods that removes those silly wrinkles.  

This simple trick can be used when you're not at home. For best results, lay your wrinkled item on a flat surface and put a damn cloth towel on top of it. Press down and smooth out the creased area. Let it dry and you're all set!

This method, by far the easiest can be accomplished in just 3 steps. Have your wrinkled item, stand one to two inches away, and blow-dry it until the wrinkles dissapear.

Hang the wrinkled item up in an open area. Standing about 12inches away, lightly mist with water from a spray bottle. The wrinkles will start to vanish as the clothing item dries.

Heat up a kettle until the water is boiling and hold up the wrinkled portion of your clothes about a foot away from the steaming spout, until the wrinkles fade away.

Now, try this methods and feel free to share your view :)

Wednesday 29 October 2014


 You have a favourite white shirt?  The shirt develops unsightly armpit stains? Here's how to break it using "dishwashing soap", "hydrogen peroxide", "a sprinkle of baking soda".

STEP 1 - Use a laundry brush to work the mixture into the stain.

STEP 2 - Let the treated shirt sit for an hour.

STEP 3 - Wash normally.


Wanna grow an awesome beard? Put away your razor and trimmer and wait. That's all there is to it; or so most men would have you believe. The fact is there is a lot to learn about growing a beard ; if you are into style - which I know you are. I promise that when you grow a beard it wont be the same "ole status quo".

First of, "shaving your beard will never make your beard grow faster". Infact , one of the most impressive traits you'll  gain as a beardsman is patience. A beard is not measured in length, but by month. You will have 1month beard, 3months beard...

Apply ample amount of moisturizer like a beard oil or other products. Avoid moisturizures with alcohol as they actually dry out your skin.

Once you get through the itchy phase, you'll get to the point where your beard will look untidy. To neaten up your look, trim the neckline, upper cheeks, mustache lip. The reality is that it's very little of your beard that you are trimming. You shouldn't need to look up to trim and aim to shape a nice round curve from one ear to  the next.
When trimming the mustache, I recommend you use a pair of scissors over clippers. With the cheek line, try to go with your natural line & only trim off the one or two stragglers that are outside that line. Remember, less is more and you can always trim more another day. Rinse your beard thoroughly everyday in the shower and apple beard oil daily.

Growing a beard is a wonderful experience that I recommend all men trying in there lives. If it is not for you, feel no worries about shaving it off-but you should try.
Through the journey you will have a more open mind towards others, more patience & more confidence.
Ultimately,  its one of the items that help you become a better man.

Tuesday 1 April 2014


 "Underneath every successful woman is a fabulous pair of shoes" but look a little closer and I bet you 'll find an even chicer shoe closet. You may not have a "fantasy walk-in" at your disposal (yet! ) , but with some creativity on your side , a dream shoe closet is not far off. Here are wow-worthy ways to organize your favoritw footwear , no matter the size of your apartment or home.

SHELF LIFE : Instead of hiding your beautiful shoes behind closet doors. Place them on the shelves around your room -they ae work of art , afterall.

FRONT TO BACK : This organisation tip is particularly handy for those with ceiling-to-floor shoe shelves.  By having one shoe facing forward and the othe backwards , you can see the style and heel height at a glance.

MIX AND MATCH : Fill your bbookshelf with a hodgepodge of stylish goodies , including shoes, bags, jewelry and fashion books.

UP THE WALL : Not a fan of bulky shelves?  Try hanging your heels on crown molding. This space-saving storage trick is chic and unexpected.

Saturday 29 March 2014


If you long for more toned , voluptuous glutes, then you're in luck ! There are several exercises you can do at home with little or no equipment. The key is to build muscle mass around the buttocks area which will increase the size of your butt.

DO SQUATS  WITH DUMBBELLS - Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and hold a 8 to 10 pound dumbbell in each hand. Keeping your weight on your heels, squat down as if you were going to sit on a chair. Hold for one count and then return to the sitting position.  Do 3 reps of 10-15 squats.

DO DONKEY KICKS - Start off on all fours with your hands and knees on the ground.  Keep your right knee on the ground. Keep your right knee on the ground and slowly lift your left leg off the floor and move your foot toward the ceiling. Hold for one count, and return back to the original position.  Do 18-20 donkey kicks on each side for one rep.

DO BUTT LIFT PROGRESSION - Lie down on your back with your hands at your sides , your  knees bent , and your feet flat on the floor. Keeping your hands pressed against the ground, lift your hips off the floor until your torso aligns with your legs. Hold this position for a few seconds and then lift your right leg off the floor and straighten your leg. Bring your foot back down to the ground , and then lower your hips so that you are back to the starting position.  Repeat the move on the other side. Do 2-3 reps of 10 butt lift progression.

PLIE - This move isn't just for ballerinas! It's also an excellent and easy move to help tone up your butt. Start off by standing with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and your toes pointing outward. Hold your hands out in front of you to help balance and then lower yourself into a squat until your butt is just above your feet. Squeeze your glutes & thighs as you return back to the starting position.  This move should be performed very slowly. Repeat 15-20 times for one rep.

Now get to work and flaunt your result within 2 weeks....